Thursday, November 27, 2014


Baby Austin is gala guest

The opening night of Brentwood Theatre’s Christmas Production of Danny The Champion Of The World will be marked by an appearance of a 1931 Austin 7 at the theatre, provided by Mr Graham Scutt of the Havering Classic Car Club.
A car of this type appears in the play which is based on the popular children’s story written by Roald Dahl. The Baby Austin arrives to be serviced at the filling station run by Danny and his father. Later it is taken by the 12 year old Danny as he goes to rescue his father after he fails to return home.
Bring a child or three to Brentwood Theatre this Christmas,  and meet Danny and his Dad, living together in an old caravan, running a small garage and filling station where they are blissfully happy. But will their happiness be spoilt by either Mr Hazell the local rich landowner who wants to see them evicted from their home, or the Council Inspector who claims that their caravan is uninhabitable?
Poachers and gamekeepers never mix, and Danny and his Dad get into many scrapes with man-traps, pheasants and raisins filled with sleeping powder.

8 December 2014 - 3 January 2015

Brentwood Theatre

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