Monday, January 01, 2018


Huge thanks to all those who’ve sent appreciations and good wishes – I am especially touched by this piece in the CTW Newsletter – and to those organisations, professional and amateur, who have offered us complimentary tickets with no expectation of a blog review.
As some of you will have noticed, I am trying to see as much live entertainment as my wallet and my wife will allow – apologies to those I’ve missed.



The year turns, and the reviewing calendar is empty.
No more blogs, no more double bookings, no more press night perks.
After 45 years and thousands of reviews, in print and online, it’s time to hang up the “reviewing bag” - pens, notebooks, torch, cough sweets, water – and put my feet up. 
What do you mean ?
In brief, no new entries on this blog, except for some archive pieces, which will be tweeted and shared in the usual way. But still the occasional piece for other sites, adjudications for any group that might care to commission them - and maybe Facebook mentions for the events I shall pay to see.
My thanks, of course, to all those who’ve invited me, to the performers who’ve entertained me, the papers and the websites that carried my words and to my driver and amanuensis, without whom I should have given up long ago …
main image – 
my last review [Rotary New Year Concert], picture by Barbara Gray