Monday, September 14, 2009


The Maldon Heritage Play 2009


In the shadow of the old tower of St Peter's Church, which now houses the nationally renowned Maldon Millennium Embroidery, Alison Woollard's play – the tenth and last in the series, looked briefly back at some of the colourful characters from the history of Maldon and its environs.

Held together by the ladies stitching the history, the lively drama covered Mystery Plays [Noah, his wife, and a recalcitrant dove], Thomas Plume's pioneering lending library [and his workhouse], the leper hospital of St Giles, its herb garden, the healing properties of Maldon Salt Water, Beeleigh Abbey, loaves and fishes, poetry disseminated by balloon, transport facilitated by water, and of course the Pirates!

“To hell with History” the cry went up. But when history is as much fun as this, it's worth retelling for as long as St Peter's casts its shadow and the salt retains its savour …

The Heritage play was directed by Vicky Tropman, with Stuart Pegler in charge of the music.

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